Thursday, February 11, 2021

Shalini GH'22, Resource Booklet Spotlightlighting People With Disabilities

 This summer I had the privilege of working with Cornell’s Global Service Learning Program in Mysore, India and SVYM remotely. I was working through the Comprehensive Care, Support, and Treatment for Persons With Disabilities (CCST-PWD) program, based at Vivekananda Memorial Hospital in Sargur. My project was developing a resource booklet spotlighting various stories of persons with disabilities in mainstream media and positions of recognition worldwide. This booklet is to be printed and provided as a resource at the Rehab Resource Center, for persons with disabilities, their families and friends, and anyone who may be interested in learning more about influential PWDs. This project contributes to the goals of the CCST-PWD program to provide resources and help persons with disabilities become socio-economically independent as well as to raise awareness and inclusion of PWDs in the community and mainstream. Through explanations of each individuals journey and engaging visuals, we can draw many lessons and achievements to strive towards.

This project has been meaningful to me, as I expanded my knowledge about persons with disabilities in India and worldwide, challenges faced, and various accomplishments. I am grateful to my wonderful mentors and SVYM for the opportunity to learn and contribute in a creative way. Although this booklet is not a scientific informational document, it provides important information and awareness that can be brought to the larger community. I realized how many PWDs have accomplished amazing feats, by any standard, although the media coverage and mainstream recognition in India and internationally could be much larger. I am proud to be contributing to this initiative and hope to see it bring joy and inspiration to others.