I have learned so much about myself and others through this experience! One of my favorite parts of the summer was spending time at the palliative care center and interacting with patients, their families, medical workers at the center, and my mentor. Palliative care is a form of healthcare that at its root is compassion and empathy for others. Every person I spoke to was so passionate about finding ways to show care and empathy for the patients at the center. My mentor had a saying that “There is an instinct of empathy, compassion and care that is innate in every person.” This summer has shown me how much that saying is true. I am extremely grateful to SVYM, the GSL team, my mentor, and my cohort for making this experience unforgettable.
Namaskāra! Join Cornell students from the ILR School taking part in a Global Engaged-Learning Program at the community development org Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM.org) in Mysore, India. Students take courses in culture, labor, gender and public health and engage in service projects related to their studies. 2020 marked Cornell & SVYM 10th Anniversary!! For past years see archives. This opportunity is managed by International Programs in the ILR School.