There are six Cornell students staying in Saragur to
complete our service projects; three of us in Global Health and three in ILR.
We are living in a small building next to Vivekananda Memorial Hospital and
eating our meals in the hospital canteen. Jen and I are currently in the
beginning stages of our project, which focuses on developing educational videos
for patients. Using iMovie software, we will be creating videos on a variety of
health-related topics, including diabetes (specifically, self-administration of
insulin), water and sanitation, and orthopedics. ILR Global Affairs Club at
Cornell has donated both the recording and video equipment to the hospital so
that videos can continue to be produced. In order to ensure the sustainability
of this project, Jen and I will be training some hospital employees to use the
equipment as we create the videos. We also want patients to be able to relate
to the information presented in the videos so our mentor, Dr. Sridevi, is going
to set up a time for us to talk with diabetic patients in the community. This
will allow us to incorporate their perspectives into our videos.